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The war, the facts, our trust

It’s said that the first casualty of war is truth. The following totals of Russia-Ukraine war losses all start from February 24, 2022. 

Source: Ukrainian Memory Book – 35,000 regular Ukrainian military killed, 15,000 missing, 3,400 captured, up to 100,000 wounded, to Nov. 14, 2023.

Source: NATO estimates – 300,000+ regular Ukrainian military casualties, to Nov. 29, 2023.

Source: U.S. estimates – 120,000 regular Ukrainian military killed, 180,000 wounded, up to Aug. 18, 2023.

Source: UK estimates – 70,000 Russian military killed, 220,000 – 280,000 wounded, Nov 30, 2023.

Source: U.S. estimates – 315,000 Russian military casualties, to Dec. 11, 2023.

Source: Ukrainian government – 350,270 Russian military losses including 150 killed, to Dec 21, 2023.

Source: Russian estimates, BBC reported – 103,000+ Russian military killed, 206,000 wounded, to Dec. 21, 2023.

How wide is the gap between the Russian actual and what’s reported? In its investigation of the number of soldiers buried in Russia, the BBC has concluded that the Defence Ministry has been some 40% lower in their published count of the dead.

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