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Tips for Capturing Lifelong Memories With Your Camera While Travelling

The new year brings new travel opportunities, whether you are planning a winter getaway or a trip later in the year. If capturing photos for lasting memories is on your agenda, the following article may offer some ideas, and the accompanying photos are meant to illustrate some of the suggestions. The photos are from recent trips to London, England and Morocco.

Let’s start with gear. Fortunately, any kind of camera will be fine, but it must always be with you! Therefore, smartphones are ideal. My travel gear also includes a mirrorless camera with a 24-120 mm lens because of its relatively small size and versatility. However, if your travel plans include a special interest, such as wildlife photography, suitable longer lenses will also be needed. Fortunately, with digital photography, you can take lots of photos while travelling as there will be time later to review and keep the ones you really like.

Before you travel, research your destination. An internet search of “things to see” is a good way to start. YouTube videos of a location are also useful and will often provide insights into good photography locations. You may also discover information about special events that are taking place during your stay, such as local festivals.

If travelling with first-timers such as young children, a photo to capture that special occasion is worth considering.

As you start your journey, don’t forget to take photos of your luggage and your passport, just in case. On the plane, I usually take a photo of the on-screen map to the destination. If travelling with first-timers such as young children, a photo to capture that special occasion is worth considering.

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