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Turning Sawdust into Butter

Lotte from Gadgetville, a popular Estonian children’s story, features a character called Väino, whose sole aim is to invent a device that would turn bricks into bread.

Maarika Merirand, Consultant at Emerging Health International

In the cartoon, Väino’s unsuccessful attempts can be quite humorous, but using non-traditional raw materials and new technologies to produce food is an actual global effort. Estonian companies ÄIO and Gelatex are great examples of that pursuit.

Food security and food sustainability are becoming worldwide concerns with climate change, ethical considerations, and emerging health issues in mind. The way the food industry currently operates puts a great strain on the environment — for example, by relying heavily on palm oil and animal-based fats. ÄIO, a spin-off company from Tallinn University of Technology that started in 2022, aims to produce food-grade oils and fats using side streams from the wood, agricultural, and food industries. Sawdust, straw, and food waste are all abundant, yet under-valorized resources.

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