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Update from the Toronto Estonian House Board

Life in the EM Board has continued at a brisk pace as we head into summer. Many of us are going to Laulupidu, so we are trying to do as much as we can before we go.

We held our regular monthly board meeting on June 9, at which we discussed the importance of ongoing operations and building maintenance.
estonianhouse logo

In order to place more emphasis on this vital work, it was decided that we would create committees drawn from the community to help to conduct the work involved in areas such as facilities maintenance. If you are interested in lending a hand, we welcome your ideas and any help you can provide. Please contact the board at

We are also working on new lease agreements with our Eesti community users, and welcome your feedback on how Eesti Maja can best serve your needs. Please contact Kristiina McConville ( if you represent an Esto organization and would like to discuss your needs. We will contact you if we don't hear from you first.

At the same time, we have had ongoing discussions with the other pillar organizations: Estonian Toronto Credit Union, Tartu College and the Estonian Foundation of Canada (EFC). We have tried to arrange a joint meeting, but due to many members being out of town, we will have to delay this somewhat. However, leading up to summer, the board has been hard at work on the future of Esto House! As always, we welcome your ideas and comments:

While the regular management is away in Eesti from June 22 to July 7, day-to-day operations will be handled by Avo Kittask and Leena Temiseva. You can reach them at the regular contact number 416-461-7963 between 10:00-3:00. Raivo Remmel, Chairman of the Board will also be available as needed.

AS Eesti Maja Board of Directors

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