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Urgent! Estonian schools need students.

If you've just moved to Toronto or have participated in the camps of Jõekääru, Seedrioru or Kotkajärv, you should come to the Estonian Supplementary Schools in Toronto.
Estonian Supplementary High School principal Silvi Verder talks about Urve Tamberg’s book “The Darkest Corner in the World” with the graduating class. All of the graduating students received a copy signed by the author as a gift from Tartu College. The book has been written for the young adult reader and features the drama of individual hardships and intrigue during Estonia’s WWII occupation. Photo: Estonian Life.

The 2012/13 school year is in full swing with much that's new and interesting. Our experienced, dedicated teachers teach Estonian as usual. We teach the language by singing, by folk dancing.

The beginners have had art and other activities added to their program without additional tuition. On two separate school evenings artist Andres Musta taught different artistic forms, creating with the students a variety of work. Fifth grade students Sylvi Oja, Natalie Jenkins and Heili Poolsaar said “it was their best school night because the art was very interesting and exciting. We hope we'll do this again. It was awesome”.

The thought was echoed by many. Thank you Liisa Soots for organizing it! Thank you Andres Musata for your creative abilities! In the works are cooking, target shooting, photography.

The secondary school students have formed councils to look at interesting topics and also subjects that would interest the total school population. We must encourage this initiative of the students themselves. Come to the Christmas Party at Estonian House on December 15, from 1:00 – 5:00 pm, where you can try your karaoke skills with the School students.

Parents have had four meetings to solve the problem of financing the school year. We need more students! We know there are many youngsters that don't attend the Supplementary School. We need your promotional support. Talk about it with others at any appropriate moment. And kids, you can quickly find new friends at the School.

Tuition can be paid by installments if there are lots of expenses at the start of the school year. Tuition for the first child is $300, the second $200 and $100 for any other child. Our principle has always been to make the cost favourable for large families. The tuition covers the cost of 29 high school and 32 primary school evenings.

Children with little or no Estonian language skills have suitable classes for all age groups on Monday or Tuesday evenings. All classes are at Estonian House on Broadview Avenue. For more information contact Elle Rosenberg at, 416 970 5930 (mob), 905 669 5930.

It's easier to finance the Supplementary Schools with more students. This year the school year will result in a deficit of $13,000. That's why were' making an appeal to the Estonian community. Donations are welcome. It can be directed through the Estonian Foundation of Canada or also by United Way again directed through the Foundation. Donations at year end still qualify as tax deductions.

Other fund-raisers you can support: A 2013 school calendar which can be bought on school evenings, at the “Christ Greetings” concert or the Christmas party at Estonian House on December 15; on February 15 the School, together with the kindergarten will organize a garage sale, donated items are welcome; you can participate in the Christmas lottery and the spring silent auction; attend the April 23 School theatre presentation; support the fund-raising walk of the School Choir on April 20.

Our youth are the ones to keep our community thriving and the community has always put their financial support behind the Supplementary School. We hope the community will once again see that efforts in helping the School are again needed.

For the next school year resolute steps must be taken to overcome the financial dilemma. The amalgamation of different classes has been discussed as has been the merging of the primary and secondary schools into one evening, Thursday. Parents have decided to raise tuition next year to $350 per child, $250 for the second, etc.

The Supplementary Schools are making positive adjustments to meet the growing challenges. We hope the community accepts and supports them.

School Committee

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