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Video: Virtual forum for Global Estonians discussed Estonian communities abroad and their cooperation with Estonia

On Saturday 27 November, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held the second virtual forum for Global Estonians. The forum looked at the life of Estonian communities abroad, presented the preliminary results of the great diaspora survey and explored the global Estonian diaspora in general.
Photo by Marko Mumm

“I am very glad that we are continuing the tradition of regular virtual forums for Estonians across the world, where we can come together to have a direct discussion on how our diaspora is doing, and hear their ideas and proposals. Our compatriots in the world are perfectly positioned to use their network for telling the story of Estonia as a democratic and progressive country. On the other hand, being connected to Estonia and Estonian identity could be something that lends some additional value and meaning to their endeavours,” Marin Mõttus, Ambassador at Large for the Diaspora, said.

At the second virtual forum, President Alar Karis made a welcoming statement and there were video links with communities in the United States, Sweden and the Czech Republic between discussions.

The forum was moderated by Tarmo Jüristo. Musical interludes were provided by Kymbali Williams, a London-born musician of Estonian origin.

The virtual forum for Global Estonians is available for watching here:


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