The Toronto chapter of Korporatsioon Filiae Patriae (“Daughters of the Fatherland”) sorority, Estonia’s oldest, was finally able to fittingly celebrate turning 100 on October 15 and 16, 2021. The gala party, which had been postponed due to the pandemic lockdown, was held at the historic Windsor Arms Hotel in downtown Toronto. The building dates back to 1927 and its old-world serenity and elegance provided the perfect backdrop for a formal dinner and dance with almost 90 guests attending. A more intimate group of members met the next day at Tartu College for a slightly less official social gathering than is usually the case for Korp! Filiae Patriae anniversaries. In front is the Toronto chapter’s newest recruit noorliige Aleksa Gold. In the first row from the left are: vil! vil! Anne (Kõresaar) Altosaar, Tiiu (Ristmäe) Wallner from Ottawa, kirjatoimetaja Merike Remmel, abiesimees Ellen Valter, current esimees Koidula Aedna Nisbet, incoming esimees Heli Vanaselja, abiesimees Anneli Andre-Barrett, laekur / treasurer Kia Puhm and Anne Liis (Tüll) Keelmann. Second row from the left are vil! vil!: Mall (Pärn) Puhm, abiesimees Kristi Sau Doughty, Kadri-Ann (Birk) Laar, Kairi Taul Hemingway, Eneri (Laasi) Taul, Ingrid Laar, Maris-Ann (Heinmaa) Vanaselja, Kati Kiilaspea, Johanna Helin, Mai-Reet Eljas-Cartan, Karin Ivand, Anu Jõe, Riina Kindlam from Tallinn, Inga Eichenbaum and Elle (Jääger) Rosenberg.