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Web War II: Estonia and Ukraine’s cyber resilience against Russia

Russia has a long history of waging cyberwarfare as a means of destruction.

This has continued in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War, except for one slight difference: Russia has, to its disadvantage, underestimated Ukraine's cyber resilience, according to the Estonian Foreign Intelligence Service. The same report indicated that this miscalculation may have caused the Kremlin to forgo the consistent and intense use of cyber attacks during the first half of the conflict.

When they did happen, they were relatively disorganized. These attacks include everything from "targeted destruction campaigns to guerilla cyber-harassment," according to the February 2023 report by Thales' Cyber Threat Intelligence unit.

Photo: BBC

Lindy Cameron, who currently serves as CEO of the U.K.'s National Cyber Security Centre, notes that these attacks "weren't intended to be apocalyptic but to reduce the Ukrainian government's ability to communicate with its population, to interrupt the financial system and spread panic, and to distract Ukraine's cybersecurity resources from their other priorities."

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