(Part four can be found here.)
The Free Nations need to “put facts on the ground” establishing their democratic governments and coordinating their declarations of independence. Then the established democracies will extend recognition with diplomatic relations and approve the flow of Marshall Plan funds.
All this work is not without risk. The Free Nations, particularly the Republic of Ichkeria (Chechnya) and Tatarstan have reason to be wary. In the early 1990’s Dudayev travelled much of this road only to be denied international recognition and extremists took over. Tatarstan was ready to proceed but got denied along with Ukraine in the Chicken Kiev speech on Aug 1st 1991 by President Bush.
This time almost 32 years later both sides are smarter and better prepared. The battle for Crimea will likely trigger declarations of independence. Putin’s forces, already in turmoil with questionable loyalties, will be stretched thin, given the one tank parade in front of the Kremlin.
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