(Part one can be found here.)
Congressional representatives Shaheen, a Democrat, and Hutchinson, a Republican, both supported providing F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. Providing air -cover for the better tanks now possessed by the Ukrainians would increase the potency of Ukrainian counter offensives. Poland and Slovakia have already recognized the need to provide Ukraine with greater airpower. Providing Ukraine with weapons to win the war would force Russia to negotiate.
Victory for Ukraine must include driving Russians out of Crimea to ensure security of the Ukrainian coastline. Letting Russia hang on to Crimea rewards territorial conquest. The real excuse offered by some for letting Putin keep Crimea is to leave the regime of Russia intact. While the nations of Eastern Europe recognize the continuing threat of Russia, too many countries want to return to business as usual. The defense ministers dealt with the excuses, beginning with safeguarding the nuclear weapons. The locations of nuclear weapons, consisting of many components, are known, the facilities are heavily guarded and most importantly the personnel are rational.
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