Telli Menüü

You can’t sing on an empty stomach

One of the number of Song and Dance Festival sponsors is Felix, producer of hapu/kurgid (pickles), moosid (jams), mahlad (juices),majonees, ketšup and supid, such as the made-for-this-summer-only laulu/peo/supp – song festival soup. The type of soup chosen for this honour is värske/kapsa/borš veise/lihaga or fresh cabbage borscht with beef, described as “Rohkete aed/viljadega supp!” – soup with plenty of vegetables!

Classic Estonian cabbage soups are both värske/kapsa/supp – literally “fresh” cabbage soup and hapu/hapsa/supp or “sour cabbage soup”, i.e. made with hapu/kapsad or sauerkraut. The fact that the laulupeosupp is called a borš is no-doubt a show of support for Ukraine, as well as indicative of Estonians’ love of peedid (beets). 
Laulupeosupp - photo by Riina Kindlam

To see what Felix makes for Estonians’ to enjoy, visit The name AS Põltsamaa Felix marks the town where production continues to be based, although the company is now predominantly Swedish-owned.

Veise/liha is beef or literally “cattle meat”. The synonymous term looma/liha (“animal meat”) is also used, but packages of ground beef for example are labelled veise/hakk/liha. As opposed to cows who give milk – lehmad.

The soup’s serving suggestion reads: “Serveeri koos hapu/koore, värskelt hakitud maitse/rohelise ja röst/saiaga” – serve with sour cream, freshly chopped herbs and toast.

Make sure to try other special laulu- and tantsupeo yummies, such as Kalev’s commemorative chocolate bars and special jäätised (ice creams). Because regardless of whether you are singing, dancing or enjoying from the sidelines, when in Rome…. there is the new retro-packaged kama-koore/jäätis pohladega vahvli/topis – kama-cream ice cream with lingonberries in a waffle cone!

Riina Kindlam, Tallinn

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