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Žürii liikmete arvamusi EstDocs festvalist

Brett Hendrie (Exec. Director of Hot Docs), 2014 EstDocs Jury member:
It has been an honour and thorougly enjoyable experience to be part of the EstDocs jury for their 10th anniversary event. The films have been an insightful window into contemporary Estonian culture. Here in Toronto, we have a significant Estonian diaspora (including my own family) so audiences have naturally delighted in receiving this rare opportunity to screen these important stories from and about their 'motherland'.
Fotol on žürii nõustajad Tiina Soomet (vas) ja Jaak järve (par) koos tänavuste filmde hindajatega: Heilika Pikkov, Brett Hendrie ja Madeline Ziniak. Foto: Kaarin Lupp

Many of the films, naturally, explore the recent cultural and political context of the country; indeed, and these issues explored by talented filmmakers has provided me a richer and deeper understanding of shared heritage.

Madeline Ziniak (National Vice President of Rogers OMNI Television), 2014 EstDocs Jury member:
A rich experience in absorbing contemporary and diasporic historic Estonian culture and nuance.Dually exciting and refreshing to see such community excitement, commitment and support.

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