As the few bars of song ritually open TEM’s concerts, audiences, hearing the adage, rise. The tune and words are instantly recognizable as the essence of TEM, an enduring institution of Estonians abroad.
The motto, with Roman Toi’s music and Henrik Visnapuu’s words, represents a pursuit of freedom and defiance of the foreign. The maestro had pride in TEM’s ability to get that message across to all audiences, whatever their background. It was natural in the late 1980s to have this “vabade meeste laul” missive resonate in Estonia’s “Singing Revolution”.
TEM’s powerful singing talent and the determination to reject Soviet occupation was a good match. Audiences in numerous cities throughout North America and many centres of Europe, applauded the full-throated sound of a fine-tuned team. TEM benefited from the pre-war experience of many singers, already veterans of their homeland choirs.
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