Wikipedia tells us ulme = speculative fiction: “an umbrella genre encompassing narrative fiction with supernatural or futuristic elements. This includes the genres science fiction (more specifically teadus/ulme), fantasy (ime/ulme), superhero fiction, science fantasy, horror (õudus/ulme) and supernatural fiction, as well as their combinations.”
Rahva/suus, “in the mouths of the people”, a science fiction book or movie is often referred to as an ulmekas and a similar work of horror, on paper or screen, is an õudukas.
And finally, a nifty expression you might ask if you're not sure what just happened: “Kas see toimus ilmsi või ulmsi?” – Was that real or was it a dream? Ilmsi as in “ilma peal” – real, of this earth, versus ulmsi, the stuff dream are made of.
Riina Kindlam, Tallinn