Koos Iiri rahvamuusikutega astuvad üles perekond Johansonid, Celia Roose ja Indrek Kalda. Tallinna kontserdil liitub esinejatega ka Birgit Sarrap.
„ÉIREESTI 1988–2018“ kontserttuur on Iirimaa Suursaatkonna, Culture Irelandi, Tartu Linnavalitsuse, Tallinna Linnavalitsuse ja Tallinna Kultuuriameti ning Iiri ja Eesti rahvamuusikute kingitus Eesti Vabariigi 100. sünnipäevaks.
Lisaks, 20. augustil kell 19 linastub Eestis esimest ja ainukest korda dokumentaalfilm „A Tale of Two Visits“, mis jutustab 1988. aastal toimunud eestlaste ja iirlaste kohtumistest. Filmi on salvestanud Põhja-Iiri rahvusringhäälingu Ulster TV. Tasuta kinolinastus toimub kinos Artis. Filmil puuduvad eestikeelsed subtiitrid.
Eesti Vabariigi 100. juubeliaastal tähistatakse taasiseseisvumise aastapäeva suvise peonädalaga, mis toob Eesti inimesed ja nende sõbrad kokku suurtele ühisüritustele. EV100 suvine peonädal algab 17. augustil esimese Eesti üldluulepeoga Rakveres ja lõpeb 25. augustil muinastulede ööga üle Eesti. Enam kui 200 suure suvise peonädala sündmust leiab www.ev100.ee.
To celebrate the centenary of the Republic of Estonia and to mark the 30 years from the first Irish cultural delegation’s visit to Estonia by 20 Irish traditional musicians and a few months later Estonian delegation visiting Ireland, the Embassy of Ireland, in cooperation with Culture Ireland, Tallinn City Government, Tallinn Cultural Office, Tartu City Government, EV100 and The Johansons, is inviting you to join us at Irish Estonian joint concerts „ÉIREESTI 1988-2018” which will take place in
TARTU on Thursday 16.08.2018 at 18:00 in old distillery ruins near Estonian National Museum *information in Estonian https://www.ev100.ee/et/kontsert-eireesti-1988-2018-tartu-ermi-viinakook-1800;
VILJANDI on Friday 17.08.2018 at 18:00 in Ugala Theatre small hall *information in Estonian https://www.ev100.ee/et/kontsert-eireesti-1988-2018-viljandi-ugala-vaike-saal-1800;
TALLINN on Monday 20.08.2018 at 17:00 in Town Hall Square *information in Estonian https://www.ev100.ee/et/taasiseseisvumise-uhiskontsert-eireesti-1988-2018.
There will be 7 Irish musicians (the first three named below participated also in 1988 visits) and 7 Estonian musicians (the majority of whom participated in 1988 visits) together on stage:
Breanndán Ó Beaglaoich (song, accordion)
Seán Garvey (song, guitar bazouki and whistles)
Néillidh Ó Maolagáin (uilleann pipes and whistles)
Seán Ó Broin (flute and whistles)
Seán Gilrane (flute and whistles)
Tom Ó Maolagáin (flute)
Fiachra Ó Maolagáin (fiddle and whistles)
Ants Johanson (song, guitar)
Jaak Johanson (song, guitar)
Mart Johanson (song, guitar)
Kärt Johanson (song)
Krista Citra Joonas (flutes)
Indrek Kalda (song, fiddle)
Celia Roose (bagpipe)
Please find the event posters attached.
Additionally, please note that in the evening of Monday 20.08.2018, at 19:00, the launch of Irish Film Days will take place in Artis cinema (Estonia pst 9). The one and only screening of a documentary film „A Tale of Two Visits“, which was filmed during the two visits of 1988 by Ulster TV, will open the event with the above-mentioned Irish and Estonian musicians present. The screening will be followed by a Q&A.
Please note that the public concert in Tallinn on 20.08 and the Irish Film Days event will be free of charge.