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Internet and the survival of the Estonian language at home and abroad (I)

The Estonian language is an intrinsic part of what Estonians are. Its longevity has been protected by a natural survival instinct helping Estonian withstand the withering pressures of foreign regimes. With this backdrop, the Estonian Institute sponsored the second annual Worldwide Estonian Language Week in September, offering a multi-faceted program of activities both for Estonian speakers and others, at home and abroad.

While it’s difficult to gauge the success of this year’s Language Week – practically all public activities were enjoined virtually – the Week will sure evolve into an institution and find its place on the annual calendar of major events for Estonians world wide.

Many readers probably find it strange that the following commentary is in English, after all it’s about the Estonian language. But, reality check. It fits the language landscape for the individuals abroad who claim to be of Estonian heritage.

In 2009 I wrote that of the 6000 to 7000 languages currently in use worldwide, only some 200 will be left by the year 3000. Some 80% of the world’s languages will be doomed…

(Read more: Estonian Life No. 47 2020 paber- and PDF/digi)

Laas Leivat, Toronto

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