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Juku Gold: Estonia as an international cybersecurity leader

Juku Gold is a research assistant at Citizen Lab, and a 2019 visiting fellow at The Hague Program for Cyber Norms. His bachelor’s thesis (University of Toronto) investigated the 2007 cyberattacks against Estonia and their legacy. Juku is Estonian-Canadian.


How and why does Estonia have so much influence in building international cybersecurity norms?
If you are reading this article, or familiar with e-Estonia, it is likely that you know something about Estonia’s bold and successful digital innovation. You may be aware that—as is necessary for a society reliant on digital technology—Estonia is also very focused on cybersecurity. Yet this focus is not only on ensuring its own national cybersecurity at home. Instead, especially since 2007, Estonia has held a prominent role in leading international cybersecurity efforts – particularly those focused on establishing rules for behaviour in cyberspace.

Juku Gold - photo by Kai Kiilaspea (2019)


Punching above its weight: Estonia’s prominence in cyberspace governance Estonia has been at the centre of global cybersecurity discussions and action since at least 2008. That year saw the establishment of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) in Tallinn. The Centre is essentially a military think-tank that leads the world in crafting cyber defence solutions through a multinational, interdisciplinary analysis of various cyber issues. As of 2018, the CCDCOE is responsible for identifying and coordinating education and training solutions in cyber defence for all NATO bodies across the Alliance. Today, the CCDCOE comprises 25 states and more are lined up to join, including NATO partner states Japan and Australia. (Read more: Estonian Life No. 34 2019)



Juku Gold, August 2019

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