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KESKUS launches pivotal legacy campaign

Update # 203

“Girl from refugee camp” gives back as first KESKUS legacy donor

Ene Riisna at Laulupidu

When Ene Riisna crossed the Atlantic Ocean to North America for the first time, it was as a teenaged refugee who had spent her early years living as a displaced person in Sweden, with her sister and parents.

And when Ene travelled back across that same ocean many decades later, by then it was as an Emmy-award winning producer on her way to interview U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, with renowned television personality Barbara Walters.

“Pretty amazing for a girl from the refugee camp!” she laughs, as she recounts the story of how she and her parents, Eduard and Olga Riisna, along with her older sister Aime, escaped from Estonia in a small fishing craft as boats were torpedoed around them.

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