At 7:50 am on Sunday May 3rd, korp! Filiae Patriae started off on their race. The team was as follows: vil! Silvi Jaason, ksv! Heli Vanaselja, vil! Tiina Liivet, vil! Katrin Altosaar, vil! Ellen Valter, vil! Merli Tamtik, vil! Kia Puhm and vil! Elli Kipper. A special mention goes to Korp! Filiae Patriae's esinaine, vil! Elli Kipper, who before going and running the last leg of the relay, completed the Toronto Goodlife Half Marathon in good time. The Half Marathon was also run by reb! Elin Raun-Royer.
Proudly wearing their green shirts and red/white race bibs, the ladies of korp! FIliae Patriae took to the streets of Toronto. The kilometers flew by, thanks to the encouragement by other korp! Filiae Patriae members (reb! Liisbet Valter-Kalm, reb! Anneli Tamm, reb! Viive Sarv, vil! Mall Puhm and vil! Maris Ann Vanaselja) who came to cheer on the runners. Everyone gathered at the finish line to cheer on the last runner and cross the finish line together as a team. This will hopefully become an annual tradition for many years to come. The official time was 4:33:18.
Vil!Merli Tamtik
POTO GALLERY – Potos by Taavi Tamtik (@TaaviTamtik)