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Küünlapäev 2023

Küünlapäev is celebrated by the women’s academic organizations each year in the beginning of February. With the restrictions of the recent pandemic, for three years the gatherings did not occur as usual at Tartu College. However, on the beautiful afternoon of the 12th of February this tradition was resumed.

Photos: Lillian Lennox

The theme for Küünlapäev was ‘What Was and What Is” (Mis oli ja mis on). Although the theme could be very broadly interpreted, it was interesting to note that all organizations related how the women’s academic organizations have evolved and changed over the years, from their inception right through to the present and into the future.

The presentation by Eesti Naisüliõpilatste Selts, “Keelatud – kuid kestab ikka”, was delivered by auvil! Kaja Telmet. Did you know that female students at Tartu University could eventually attend classes with men, yet would not be granted the degree received by their male counterparts? Unheard of today!

Korp! Filiae Patriae submitted a video show with various members narrating a pictorial presentation of korp! Filiae’s life and activities over the years. Seeing some of these old pictures brings to mind how time can alter us, yet not change who we are.

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