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Letter of explanation

Estonian World Review recently posted an article which implied that the lack of Estonian participation at a June 14th commemoration church service was either incompetence or neglect on the part of the Estonian organizers (EKN), a deliberate boycott of the service or some other reason. The following letter sent to the EWR sets the record straight.

Editors, Estonian World Review,

Thank you for publishing photographs from our Deportation Day Prayer service. I am very happy to have these to share with my community.

The article contains a number of inaccuracies which I feel need to be pointed out which leave an impression that does not reflect the circumstances. I would be grateful if your posting would be amended to reflect these.

The service took place on Wednesday, June 15, not June 14. Msgr. Edmond Putrimas and I chose that date so as not to conflict with the Baltic Federation event to be held on June 14.

The decision to organize the prayer service was spontaneous, and happened during the previous weekend while I was in Michigan, and Msgr Putrimas was in New York. Sadly I was unable to reach my Estonian colleagues to connect with them. However, Rev Kalle Kadekas, who was in Estonia at this time, sent his blessings, in Latvian (!). Rev Mart Salumae was unfortunately unable to attend as he had a prior arrangement at the Estonian Seniors' Home to mark Deportation Day. This was a very simple service: songs and chants, a couple of readings, a very brief reflection and some organ music.

We were very glad to have been able to set aside time to join as a community, uniting all three Baltic countries in prayer. We most certainly did not feel that the Estonian community had chosen not to come, rather, it was sad that there was so little lead-in time to share the information, with the National councils among others, and to have them be able to take an active part in the service.

We would like to thank the Franciscan fathers at Resurrection Parish for graciously hosting the prayer service. Rev. Mart Salumae has already offered the use of St Peter's Estonian for next year. We also look forward to meeting with the Baltic Federation in the autumn to plan next year's marking of this event.

Yours truly,

Rev. Ilze Kuplens-Ewart
Dean, Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad, Canada Section.
June 21, 2016

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