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Montreal Estonian Society in action

No, it wasn’t a gruesome crime scene being investigated in the basement of the Estonian Lutheran Church the morning of Saturday Nov 18; it was the annual gathering of the blood-sausage-making volunteers of the Montreal Estonian Society. 

Carole Desmarteau, Peter Troszttmer, Sonia Dorda and Cloée Germain preparing the casings for the sausages. Photo: Hille Viires

The “dream-team,” as the veterans of this culinary activity have been dubbed, welcomed a host of enthusiastic newcomers, instructing them in the art and science of sausage-making. In total, there were 21 chefs immersed in casings and barley and spices and cranberries and – yes – oodles of the red stuff. By mid-afternoon, 180 pounds of the MES’s distinctively delectable blood sausage had been produced.

Sonia Dorda, Hille Viires, Tom Ventser. Photo: Karl Raudsepp

It was all quickly sold. People wishing to sample the product can do so at the MES bazaar, which takes place on Saturday December 9th, at 1 pm at the Estonian Lutheran Church hall. This will be the MES’s first bazaar since 2019. 

Peter Smeets preparing the strings to tie sausages. Photo: Hille Viires
Mihkel Vaasa and Nick Mancey preparing packages of orders. Photo: Hille Viires

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