People The Estonian Society of Artists in Toronto is marking its 65th year as an organization. This is the first of a series introducing younger members of the executive. Maarika is Vice President of the Society.
People Nädala portree - Psühholoog Ragne Pajo: „Kõige olulisem on valida endale elukutse, mis sobib hästi oma loomuse ja huvidega“
People Erakorralise meditsiini osakonna õde Kristiina (Nieländer) Hildebrandt: “Minu mask kaitseb sind, sinu mask kaitseb mind. Lihtsalt kanna maski!”
People Excelling in the Midst of Adversity (Part Four): Interview with Margi Taylor Self - A collaboration between Chaordic Design and Estonian Life
People Toimetusel külas - Helen ja Lepatriinu: tippjuuksur ja tema tippartistist modell Torontot avastamas