Our church’s constitution and bylaws provide that individuals over the age of 18 who have been baptized and confirmed in St. Peter’s or who have been baptized and confirmed in another Lutheran church and have officially transferred their membership from that congregation to St. Peter’s are considered voting members of St. Peter’s congregation.
A voting member could stand to lose the right to membership if the member does not take Holy Communion and support and participate in the life and worship of the St. Peter’s congregation for a period of one year. Such members will be put on a Responsibility List.
The thorough discussions and combined effort of the Council and synod clarified that, as is the case in many congregations, our church needs to take steps to update its membership roster. Accordingly, the Council has recently sent letters to those members who have not fulfilled both of the obligations described above (i.e. made a donation and taken communion over the past year).
If you wish to confirm your membership status with the Church, please contact the Congregational Council.
office telephone number: 416-483-5847
e-mail: stpeterstoronto@rogers.com