After the Parade, there were several performances on the main stage in Town Point Park on the waterfront, central to the booths of each NATO member country where Estonia was also featured. But Pillerkaar was the hit of the event presenting with seven riveting dances in colorful national dress and then coercing the audience to participate in two more! The day was a sweltering 91 degrees but the balmy winds from the Atlantic Ocean kept everyone cool!
Pillerkaar at the Norfolk NATO Festival
May 5, 2017 Estonian Life No. 18 2017
The Norfolk NATO Festival presented its annual Parade of Nations on April 29, 2017 in Norfolk, Virginia in which Estonia had a brilliant float displaying a traditional Estonian swing ("Eesti kiik") embellished with beautiful Estonian women in national dress. The NATO Parade is the longest continuous parade in Hampton Roads and the only Parade in the United States honoring NATO! Over 100 Parade Units participated with local and visiting high school bands, US and International Military bands, and colorful floats representing each of the 28 NATO Member Nations!