In my last contribution to Eesti Elu, I encouraged readers to practise taking more photos. What could be a better time for that than the summer?
The best setting for a beginner photographer is to practise taking pictures during daylight hours. I am sure most of you have made your summer plans. Even if you have, though, please make sure, if you're into photography, to include some kind of summer festival in your schedule. If you are going to Estonia this summer, please use this wonderful website to find what you are looking for.
My personal favourites are Viljandi vanamuusika festival i.e. Viljandi folk, as Estonians call it; Muhu tulevikumuusika festival “Juu Jääb”; and of course XIII noorte laulu- ja tantsupidu “Püha on maa“, which will give you ample options to photograph people wearing colourful and interesting folk costumes, snap plenty of candid moments, practise capturing moving people, and even find out how stable your hand is during the late hours of an event.
Just remember these small tips:
-hold your camera/phone firmly
-do not use flash in the darkness
-be as steady as possible, especially when day rolls into evening and take multiple shots to capture at least one sharp frame
-and the most important of them all—the photographer takes the photo, not the camera
*PLUS—don't forget to have fun! 🙂
Feel free to share your best shots with me via my e-mail kerly (at)
Happy practising!