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Putin’s narrative being delivered by our own

Recently I viewed a lengthy interview featuring Col. Doug Macgregor, a US veteran of the Gulf War. He had served as a military advisor during Mr. Trump’s administration. The latter nominated him to be the US ambassador to Germany, but this failed to receive Senate confirmation.

The colonel’s narrative could well have been scripted by the Kremlin’s top propagandists. The video was shared among an interest group – erstwhile members of our Estonian community – which resolutely supports Ukraine.

The video’s content makes one curious: Does the group self-identify with Macgregor’s opinions? Do they consider Macgregor to be a trustworthy expert? Are they simply curious about twisted worldviews? Do they know Macgregor’s background? Are they intentionally exposing unsophisticated messaging spread by Putin’s disinformation apparatus?

I prefer the latter, that they recognize Macgregor for what he is. His message was a ham-fisted mixture of predictions of a Russian victory, a condemnation of corruption in Ukraine, a disdainful evaluation of the US military brass, typical regret for Ukrainian people, etc. Credible facts blended with abject falsehoods and clumsy distortions were classically presented by a self-assured, seemingly committed military expert.

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