Reminisce about those special times in our lives which define us in the most profound ways.
As a kasvataja at the Mudimaja, aka “the Red House”, “Vana maja”, “Punane maja”, I treasure watching my children playing on the swings, in the sandbox on endless summer days while making lasting friendships with eesti lapsed from all over Southern Ontario, the US, and beyond. One memory shared by my son Erik was climbing the trees out front with his friends, way too high and getting heck for it!
Special cozy days doing crafts, singing and reading eesti muinasjuttud every night as each child drifted off to sleep one by one.
Memories are priceless which is why we are asking you to give generously to the Red House Reno!
Anyone who came to camp in the 1950s or 1960s, we ask you to donate and in the coming months see which group donates the most! Put your money where your heart is!
We need 100 individuals (or teams of individuals) to donate $1,000.00. The fundraising campaign will go from Monday, January 9th, 2023 to Saturday, June 24th, 2023.
But any donation is appreciated and accepted!
For every donation. you will receive 1 ballot to be entered into a draw for the prizes below. If you or your team donate $1,000.00 you will receive 10 ballots for the draw. Wow!
Prizes include:
GRAND PRIZE: 2 prizes of 1 week of camp for a child of camp age
1st prize – Seedrioru hall rental
2nd prize – 2 prizes of a sauna night for 15 people at our beautiful Seedrioru Saun
3rd prize – A weekend at the Koldetare (2 nights!)
** dates subject to availability (with the exception of the grand prize which must be taken when camp is in operation)
It will take a village to see this reno through! We ask that if you were ever a camper at the Red House, a parent, grandparent, future camper parent or grandparent… Aunts! Uncles! Or lovers of Seedrioru…
Please give generously!
How to donate:
For a tax receipt send your donation to:
The Estonian Foundation of Canada and in the remarks please add “Seedrioru”
If NO tax receipt is required, please send your donation by e-transfer to Treasurer@seedrioru.com
or by cheque to:
Estonian Summer Camp Society
c/o Rein Pertens (treasurer)
145 Little John Rd
Dundas, ON
L9H 4H2 and enter ‘Red House’ at the bottom left corner
Calling all hearts, lovers of Seedrioru! Palun! Please, give generously!
We can do this together!
It takes hands to build a house but only hearts can build a home.