Preheat oven to 275 – 300 degrees F (150 C). Line a large roasting pan with a double layer of strong foil.
Using a very sharp knife, cut through the rind of the roast in a diagonal pattern, almost into the meat. Place whole cloves at the intersections of the cuts. Turn the roast over and stud with more whole cloves.
With the fat side/rind side up, roast uncovered at 275 – 300 degrees F, (135 – 160 C), until the internal temperature reaches 195 – 205 degrees F, (90 – 96 C), using a probe thermometer. This usually takes 5 – 6 hours. Baste with pan juices every hour or so. An option would be to baste with pineapple or apple juice several times during the last hour of roasting. Allow to rest tented with foil for ½ hour or so.
Serve with sauerkraut, (hapukapsad or mulgikapsad), and potatoes, either boiled, roasted or prepared in an air-fryer, your favourite mustard (ideal would be Põltsamaa kange, but Löwensenf is a close second, horseradish and lingonberry or cranberry sauce.
Please note: A boneless pork shoulder roast can also be used, roasted fat cap up, scored diagonally, and roasted as above. The important factor is the final internal temperature! Food safe at 145 degrees F, (63 C), BEST at 195 F (90 C). Mantra here is: “Lower, slower, longer”.
No one should be without a probe thermometer these days! (Ask Santa…)