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Roonem’s Bakery and Alice Munro

We are all very proud that a Canadian author, Alice Munro, has received the Nobel Prize in Literature this year and the newspapers and magazines are currently full of praise for her wonderful collections of short stories.

One of these collections, "The Moons of Jupiter", published in 1982, should be of special interest to Estonians,
Alice Munro -

as it contains a short story, “Bardon Bus”, in which the protagonist is sitting in ROONEEM'S BAKERY and restaurant, and Alice Munro devotes several paragraphs on two separate pages, describing the Bakery and its atmosphere, interspersed with the protagonist's other rememberings.

Rooneems' Bakery happened to be located a block away from the Writer's Union and across the street from an artist's studio, and provided a comfortable quiet locale for quite a number of notables who could spend some time there, without encountering unwanted attention. Aino Rooneem recalls people like the artist Charles Pachter, Barbara Amiel, Barbara Frum, Margaret Atwood, and of course Alice Munro frequenting the place as customers.

And perhaps Rooneem's Bakery is the only Estonian enterprise that has actually been mentioned by name in a work of fiction! And, the author of that fiction is now a Nobel Prize winner!


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