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Seedrioru: The sun is shining brightly over SEEDRIORU!!

Spring is here and we are nearing the end of the dark days of the pandemic! We are thrilled to be offering both overnight and day camp this summer – in compliance with our Local Wellington Centre Public Health Branch.

Our other big news!
We have a baby boom exploding and for many families, the 3rd generation is pre-registered and coming to Seedrioru!! For the first time in Seedrioru’s history, we are offering an additional 2 weeks, for a total of 4 WEEKS for our youngest campers, ages 4-6 in the mudimaja. We are especially eager to get more teenagers to camp this year. Too many teens have had to miss multiple years of camp due to COVID and if they do not connect and have fun with their Estonian friends from different communities now, they will have missed a lifetime opportunity.

We have been busy mesilased preparing for LAAGER 2022!

Parent Advisory Committee Happenings…
Our Parent Advisory Committee has had 2 meetings so far this year and have done a review of Laager 2021 and are heavily invested in planning and improving Laager 2022.

We are so thankful for our committee members who so graciously stayed on from last year and the group has grown by 4 new members: Kristiina Aasa Milne, Krista Alexopoulos,Eerik Aljas, Kaili Hilkawich, Martin Kiik, Karen Must, Leikki Revesz, Rutti Yalle, and our newest members: Michelle Gray, Tiina Heap and Kairi West, and Lia Hess.

Our committee has a vested interest as their children and grandchildren are the benefactors. We are not only planning for improvements to the physical site of the camp but are constantly seeking out innovative programming for our campers to ensure a rich experience in understanding their Estonian heritage. Stay tuned!! More details regarding programming to come!

Welcome Liisa Ruus from Eesti to our Seedrioru family!
Liisa Ruus is one of the singers in “Eesti Raadio Laulustuudio tütarlastekoor” who will be performing with her choir in the Toronto area June 25-July4 and at Seedrioru Suvehari on July 2. Liisa has extended her visit so that she can stay at Seedrioru Laager and enrich our Estonian programming with eesti laulmine and Rahvatants before returning to her studies at Tartu University.

Camp Registration
Registration is open and filling up quickly. Some weeks are already at near capacity for overnight campers! Make sure to get your pre-registrations in ASAP, so that the spot for your child/children is secured. Please note the change from the previous article, Survivor Week will be the second week of camp, beginning July 17, your kids will not want to miss it!

We are still looking for…
A few Kasvatajad, a lifeguard and a Laagri juhataja for certain weeks! Please apply ASAP – we want to make sure we get our staff early to ensure the best possible programming for your children.

May 14th Kids Spring Camp Day
Families, parents, adults, children – join us on May 14th for a Kids Spring Camp Day! While parents help with talgud, your kids will experience a day of laager, helping them get comfortable with Seedrioru and introducing them to the summer experience that awaits!

In the evening we will all come together for dinner, a raffle, music and a bonfire!
Free for all to attend, thank you to the Estonian Integration Foundation for their support of this event. Please RSVP and register your kids by emailing us at suvekodu@seedrioru.com

And from the Peanut Gallery…

The best reasons for wanting to come to laager? Don’t take our word for it – hear it straight from the kids who have been and experienced the wonders of Seedrioru laager:

Why would any kid want to go to Seedrioru camp?

Raili: “Because it’s fun and I have lots of friends there!”

Hendrik: “Because the boys are there and we can play basketball”

Sander: “You get to swim and they have dinosaurs there!”

Oliver: “The activities are great and you learn about Eesti and Robert says that you learn how to shoot… and that is cool.”

Aili perfectly sums up why you must come to camp this year: “Because it is going to be the BEST CAMP EVER!!!!”


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