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Speak Estonian Like a Native by Using this App

Are you an intermediate Estonian speaker looking to improve your skills? Perhaps you spoke the language at home or participated in Estonian community activities growing up, but have since lost some proficiency. Or, maybe you’re a relatively new speaker and want to gain a higher level of fluency. In any case, Glossika can help you take your Estonian to the next level.

Glossika, from Glossika's Blog

Available on iOS and Android devices, Glossika is an AI-based language learning application designed for high-beginners/low-intermediate level speakers to develop their fluency. “Students around the world complain that they know a lot about their target language—the grammar rules, the names of verb tenses, and so forth—but that they still can't really use it. The gap in difficulty between an introductory app/course/textbook and the things people really want to do with a language is just too big. Glossika specializes in bridging this gap,” according to the platform’s website. 

Here’s how it works: 

One of Glossika’s main tenets is personalized learning. First, users select their language of choice and complete a placement test, which can be manually changed later. Rather than providing simple vocabulary or arbitrary phrases, Glossika uses full sentence practice, verified and recorded by native speakers to provide users with a practical foundation in their chosen language. The goal is that by reading, writing, speaking, and listening to these sentences, users will develop a familiarity with natural structures, tone, and intonation of their language. 

In a session, users will listen to a sentence in their native language, followed by the equivalent in their target language—this is referred to as a “sentence pair.” Finishing one sentence pair counts as a “rep.” 

Glossika has observed the following ballpark figures for developing language fluency:

  • “25,000 Reps → Sentences roll off your tongue quite smoothly—the language no longer feels foreign to you.
  • 50,000 Reps → Casual, everyday conversations are no longer scary.
  • 75,000 Reps → Refinement: you're building the technical vocabulary you need to handle increasingly specific scenarios.
  • 100,000 Reps → Mastery: you can say pretty much whatever you want without really needing to think about it.”

“Glossika offers different learning modes to suit your schedule and learning needs. The “Listening Only” mode allows users to train their ears when using their phone isn’t convenient.”

When starting a new session, users can review or learn new items. Glossika’s “spaced repetition” algorithm adjusts to users’ pace and determines what they should learn and when.  With consistent practice and review, speakers will develop fluency. Learning new items presents users with “five new level-appropriate sentences and will be asked to practice each one five times, for a total of 25 reps.” Glossika recommends completing one session per day and spending more time reviewing sentences over learning new ones. 

Glossika offers different learning modes to suit your schedule and learning needs. The “Listening Only” mode allows users to train their ears when using their phone isn’t convenient. Though this is great for making use of downtime, Glossika recommends spending more time on the “Full-practice mode,” where users are given a more comprehensive set of tasks to complete, which require full attention. 

Glossika is not recommended for beginners, “unless you (a) have a background in linguistics, (b) already speak a similar language to the one you want to learn, or (c) are very independent and don't mind looking stuff up as you go,” they write on their blog. 

“The reason we don't recommend Glossika to beginners is that we don't teach grammar… The ‘catch’ is that, for this to work well, it's important that you're able to look at a sentence and understand (however loosely) how the words of that sentence work together. If you can do that, you'll latch onto useful ‘chunks’ or sentences and develop an intuitive feel for the ‘big picture’ behind how sentences fit together… To make a metaphor, we think you'll learn more about swimming by swimming than you will by reading a textbook on biomechanics,” they add.

Glossika is available for free as a seven day trial. Try it out today and develop your Estonian!

This article was written by Natalie Jenkins as part of the Local Journalism Initiative.

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