We now have an insight to their actions. Examining their rationale can begin a process of identifying the real issues and how to solve them. We need to face up to the underlying issues and deal with them without prejudice and examine the issues without becoming defensive.
The first issue is to be forthright about our financial situation. We must behave responsibly to ensure the viability of this church and the survival of the congregation. We need to interpret the financial picture from a management perspective. What does it mean and what can we do about it.
Let me state very clearly the narrative presented by the church executive that the church will be bankrupt within two to three years is ABSOLUTELY FALSE. As a registered charitable institution the Church has to file their annual financial statements with the Canada Revenue Agency. These numbers are indisputable.
The record is available online from 2017 to 2021. We see that at the height of Covid19, on Sept 20, 2020, when the sale of the church property was first raised with the congregation, the operating surplus was $9,284. The following year the operating surplus was $5,997. The numbers for 2022 have yet to be made public.
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