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Stay real, lapsukesed

What is collectively known as March break throughout most of Canada is simply called kooli/vahe/aeg (school break) in Estonia, one of many. With the biggie, suve/vahe/aeg (summer vacation), beginning in early juuni and always ending 1. septembril. It's hard to get kids away from the arvuti (computer), nuti/telefon (smartphone), tahvel (tablet) and telekas (tv) here, just like everywhere else. Luckily, raamatud (books) and laua/mängud ("table", i.e. board games) still captivate. As well as laste/kirjanikud (children's book authors) such as poet and humourist Ilmar Trull, who was one of many authors meeting fans at the library that day. His quirky, funny poetry books for kids include "Jänese valitud palitud" (The Rabbit's Chosen Overcoats), "Rähni ravi" (The Woodpecker's Treatment / Cure) and "Väike viisakas kärbes" (The Small Polite Fly).
Seen on World Poetry Day, 21. märts, at the Tallinna Kesk/raamatu/kogu (Central Library). One of the computers in the laste/osakond (children's section) stated: "I'm broken. Play board games instead!" Photo by Riina Kindlam (2017)

Riina Kindlam, Tallinn

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