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“Sticks and stones may break your bones…”

“…but names will never hurt you.” That adage was used to console us in our childhood. It showed contempt for the ineffectiveness of verbal bullying. We had to cope and get over it.

Parents saw name-calling as silly stigmatization and children were told to move on. Nasty name-calling may still erode our self esteem. Propagandists use verbal abuse to inflict serious damage.

Consider the following headlines:

“Is Kaja Kallas Putin’s disciple?” (Kas Kaja Kallas on Putini epigoon?)

“Is the parliament being made into an organization for perverts and pimps?” (Kas Riigikogust tahetakse teha pervertide ja kupeldajate organit?)

“Estonian sociology is the manure box for squirrels (also nickname for the Reform party, ed.).” (Eesti sotsioloogia on oravate sõnnikukast.)

“Sodom and Gomorrah or the World Economic Forum.” (Soodom ja Gomorra või maailma majandusfoorum.)

“Things in the especially nutty Estonian section of the Euro-madhouse are still very crazy.” (Eurohullumaja Eesti eriti põõraste osakonnas on asjad ikka päris hullud.)

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