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Tartu College Book Club guest author

Photo by Taavi Tamtik (2017)

The Tartu College Book Club meets monthly to read and discuss books with Estonian content. On October 26, 2017 the club members were honoured to have Joanna Goodman as a guest author. She has written The Finishing School that has as its main character a young Estonian woman by the name of Kersti Kuusk. Goodman provides vivid descriptions of life in the Toronto Estonian community, including at the Estonian House. The author became close to neighbouring Estonian families over the years and that's where most of her research is from. Kersti goes to a Swiss finishing school on a scholarship, hence the title. Joanna Goodman spoke eloquently and answered questions freely. The Finishing School is an enjoyable and enlightening read, especially the parts pertaining to Toronto Estonians. Book reviewer: Maiki Andre Lupp. Book Club director: Kaja Telmet.

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