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The generals’ last battles

Is there a close parallel between the removal of monuments to Confederate President Jefferson Davis and General Robert E. Lee and others from public spaces in the US South, and the banishment of Jossif Stalin and Vladimir Lenin statues, with others of similar ilk, from well-attended locations in Estonia?

Not entirely. Since 2015 well over one hundred Confederate symbols have been moved into storage away from public visibility in the US southern states. In Estonia similar monuments have been either taken down, stored away and/or destroyed. Or as an alternative in some instances, relocated from places of prominence to open air parks and left for public display.
General Robert E. Lee - www.wikipedia.org

Estonia in 2018 at its Museum of History, located in Maarjamäe Palace, opened a collection of 16 statues and monuments that can be viewed on its outside location or virtually via internet. They mainly represent Estonian Communist vanguard from the time of the 1917 Revolution to the post-WWII Soviet occupation era. From the Central Committee elite to secret police commanders to Red Army Generals, like in the US South, they all individually represent the repression and inhumanity that dominated those periods of history.

(Read more: Estonian Life No. 24 2020 paber- and PDF/digi)

Laas Leivat, Toronto

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