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The NDP started its federal election campaign in Toronto on the Ides of March

Tom Mulcair, leader of the federal New Democratic Party came to Toronto, the Metro Toronto Convention Centre to rally the faithful and get them marching.

"We have seven members in Toronto but we need many more," said Mulcair to about fifteen hundred cheering supporters.

He pressed all the proper NDP centric buttons, $15 dollars minimum wage, national child care, justice for aboriginal women, action on climate change, abolition of the Senate, and stronger Canadian health care.
On the Toronto front Mulcair promised a minister that would speed up contact with cities, help with small businesses (they create 80% of the jobs), and aid with transportation funding and other goodies.
Tom Mulcair, leader of the federal New Democratic Party - photo by Adu Raudkivi (2015)

Though most of his criticism was directed towards Prime Minister Stephen Harper, his line directed towards Liberal leader Justin Trudeau was, “being prime minister is not an entry level job”.

When someone mentioned to him that he should smile more, his quick answer was, “when you sit across from Harper, how can you smile”.

Adu Raudkivi

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