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The next meeting of the Estonian government’s Global Estonian Advisory Committee will be held in Tallinn on September 30th.

The next meeting of the Estonian government’s Global Estonian Advisory Committee will be held in Tallinn on September 30th. The meeting will be chaired by special ambassador Marin Mõttus, and several Estonian ministers, including Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu will attend.

Reet Marten Sehr is the Estonian Canadian representative on the committee and will provide feedback from EKN and Estonian organizations in Canada on the first phase of implementation. The program was ratified by Estonian parliament in 2021 and implementation began in January 2022.

Program link: https://www.vm.ee/rahvusvaheline-suhtlus-uleilmne-eestlus/uleilmne-eestlus

In order to consolidate feedback, please email responses to Reet at reetsehr@gmail.com by September 20th at the latest.

In order to better represent the needs of Estonian Canadians, we are requesting responses to the following questions:
How familiar are you with the content of the Global Estonian Program (Üleilmse eestluse tegevuskava)?
How often do you use the globalestonian.com website to search for and share information?
How aware are you of the Estonian government’s grant applications and funding process?
Have you applied for a grant in 2022?
What are your organization’s needs and expectations for future cooperation with the Estonian government?

Kairi Hemingway
President, Estonian Central Council in Canada

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