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Toronto Estonian Chess Club Holds Fall Chess Tournament During Santa Claus Parade

The Toronto Estonian Chess Club held their 5 round Active Swiss system tournament (30 minutes per player)on November 20th, at Tartu College, during the Santa Claus Parade . Six players entered the tournament with the hope of winning at the "Game of Kings". Concentration was a bit difficult with the background din of the Santa Claus Parade. Farhad Bokaee repeated winning first place with a score of 4 points. Second place went to Jaak Triefeldt with 3.5 points and third place went to Jaak Järve with 3.5 points.
The champions: Jaak Triefeldt – 2nd place, Farhad Bokaee- 1st place and Jaak Järve-3rd place.

The rest of the field results are as follows:

  • Ernest Sinko 3 points
  • Mikk Mölder 1 point
  • Mai Vomm Järve 0 points

The Toronto Estonian Chess Club wants to thank Rein Ende for arranging the university student's room at Tartu College and the Sorority Amicitia for their hot coffee and treats during the tournament.
The next active tournament will in April of next year. If you are interested in playing chess and participating in our tournaments please contact Jaak Jarve at 416-222-9445 or email

Jaak Järve

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