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Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders spoke to the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada

Chief Saunders came to speak to the NEPMCC early in his tenure, with every member congratulating him before starting their question. There were some most interesting questions and comments.

Clarifications that were of interest: "We are a police service, no longer a police force and have to communicate not just react with force."

Some questions from the audience of ethnic journalists were unsettling and naive: "Must the police always react with shooting (when someone attacks with a knife), can't they be told how to disarm them first verbally."
Mark Saunders Toronto Police Chief. Photo by Adu Raudkivi

Despite the racial diversity in the audience no question was asked about carding (when police take names of usually black youth for no reason). Nor was there any mention of the proliferation of handguns causing open warfare out there.

Estonian Life asked a question: “Why is the police expected now to handle the mentally ill which the Department of Health has thrown out of the institutions (due to financial constraints), onto the streets (all over Parkdale for instance) and expect the police to act as psychiatric nurses.” Later Chief Saunders thanked Estonian Life for the question. Estonian Life asked him why he doesn't make more of an issue about this. Saunders answered, “We will, don't worry.”

Chief Saunders also made mention that Toronto is one of the safest cities in the world and that is something he could take some credit for due to his thirty two years of service, many of that in command roles.

Adu Raudkivi

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