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FOTOD – Victoria Estonians finally party!

After a long two years of relative isolation due to Covid, Victoria Estonians were ready to get together, worship, re-meet, re-greet and converse. On the afternoon of Sunday June 5, they gathered at Anne Light’s gracious home in Sidney, outside Victoria on the southern tip of Vancouver Island, for a Lutheran church service followed by pot-luck lunch and socializing.

Reverend Andres Rebane ferried across Georgia Strait from Vancouver, accompanied by Council members Aarne and Anne Tork and Marie Kaul-Rahiman. St. Peter’s congregation organist Cindy Leung had pre-recorded the hymns for the service, and Aarne Tork brought along his portable PA system, so the hymns could be played and sung along to in the living room. The music, combined with the peaceful view of the garden greenery in the sunshine, created a reverent mood. Pastor Rebane spoke of kindness on this Pentecostal Sunday and offered communion.
Pastor A. Rebane - foto: A. Light (2022)

Anne Light and Mari Peepre supervised the ample potluck contributions which encompassed salads, pirukad, smoked salmon sandwiches, herring, veggies, cold cuts, cakes, cookies and beverages. All was enhanced by blue floral decoration and cheerful cornflower themed serviettes. Tables with seating were scattered indoors in the light-filled living room and outdoors in the green, blooming garden, including a pergola cover for the, ahem, odd raindrop that may decide to fall in this part of the country. The rain stayed away, and people moved around from table to table, sharing stories and news, renewing old acquaintances and making new ones, conversing in both English and Estonian.

The conversations were animated, exuding an extraordinary mood felt by all of the 30 guests, who ranged in age from under 5 to over 80! The energy level was palpable – perhaps partly at the social relief after Covid isolation, partly by the psychological tie of Estonia to Ukraine’s current situation, but mainly by the interesting individuals present. The thank-you emails continue to arrive to Anne and Mari.
There are hopes for another such gathering in late fall!

Helgi Leesment and Anne Tork


FOTODLeesment, Peepre, Light ©2022

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