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Western thugs advancing the Kremlin’s bid (II)

The Kremlin has insisted that whatever that is common and ties that exist between Russian ultra-nationalists and groups of skin-heads, bikers and soccer thugs has occurred spontaneously, without any help or endorsement from the government or its agencies.

But as Kross has stated, Russia’s intelligence services’ involvement has already been established. The Western fringe groupings and fight clubs have been a fertile recruiting ground for far-right extremists world-wide. After the invasion of Ukraine in 2014 Russia boosted its active measures operations internationally. The co-opted groups, mostly on the far right fringe, but some also on the far left, fittingly augment the Kremlin’s narrative that St. Petersburg’s Internet Research Centre’s trolls and others have been reinforcing on social media and elsewhere...

(Read more: Estonian Life No. 38 2020 paber- and PDF/digi)

Laas Leivat, Toronto

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