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Where investing in transit can take us

A speech by the Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario, at the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada chaired by Thomas Saras.

The Premier: The first subway line in Toronto opened in 1954, the year after I was born. I still remember riding the subway with my grandmother as a little girl.
Kathleen Wynne

I was wearing my white gloves because it was a special occasion. Everyone was so exited, so proud.

Today, in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, the average commute time is 82 minutes a day. Toronto's gridlock is a major issue affecting its reputation and its productivity.

There is a pressing need for change. That is not up for debate. But when I listen to the rhetoric around transit investment, I believe that some politicians made a short sighted decision to avoid real solutions.

I know that improving our daily commute is not about scoring political points. It's about ensuring Ontario's success. And that is my core responsibility as Premier of Ontario.

Adu Raudkivi

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