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Korp! Amicitia goes virtual

Korp! Amicitia did not let COVID-19 and physical distancing deter us from being social and convening for a 3-hour Zoom meeting. Amongst the 40+ amicad in attendance, we had amicad as far away as New York City, London

Korp! Amicitia did not let COVID-19, the closure of Tartu College and physical distancing deter us from being social. On April 19, amicad convened for a 3-hour meeting and social hosted over Zoom. Amongst the 40+ amicad in attendance, participants logged in from as far away as New York City, London (ON), Georgian Bay, Waterloo/Cambridge, Hamilton, Kingston and the Greater Toronto Area.

Several amicad acknowledged how great it was to connect and see everyone, especially for those that would not have been able to drive to Toronto for a meeting.

Planning is already underway for the next Zoom gatherings (rebasereferaadid, peakoosolek, etc.) **note to self: you will laugh more than sing if you do a cantus (song) over Zoom

Kristina Põldre, Korp! Amicitia esinaine



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