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Another perfect phone call

DON: Is that you Vlad? VLAD: Yes it’s me Donnie. DON: Listen, congrats on your referendum win. You’ll have plenty of time to MRGA. VLAD: What? DON: Make Russia Great Again. DON: You know my election is in November. The Fake News SOBs say my polls are down. VLAD: No Fake News in Russia. It’s not allowed.

DON: Fake News here are asking about your boys paying the Taliban for any US soldiers killed. VLAD: No way! DON: I’ve said that it’s a New York Times hoax. VLAD: Right. DON: And I’m not going to do anything about it. VLAD: (Could be heard swearing in Russian and saying, “He should keep his mouth shut.”)

DON: It helps me when you say that the US and Russia relations are now bad. But we can still be friends, can’t we? No one needs to know. VLAD: And Donnie, it’s good for me when guys like Newt Gingrich get the Presidential Medal of Freedom from you. DON: What? VLAD: Gingrich said the Baltic states were nothing more than St Petersburg’s back yard. DON: It’s the least I can do. VLAD: The Balts have always been cocky little upstarts. DON: Hey, no problem.

(Read more: Estonian Life No. 26 2020 paber- and PDF/digi)

Laas Leivat, Toronto

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