How many pairs of hands did it take to create AKEN basaar #23?
75 pairs of industrious hands,
almost as many very tired feet,
a huge amount of muscle-power and a teeny-tiny bit of brainpower…
How many womanhours plus manhours did it take to create AKEN basaar #23?
923 hours, 41 minutes and 57 seconds!
How did I arrive at this number? I made it up!
And what do you get for the time and energy expended on this most worthwhile of projects?
A huge hiigel thank you, a pat on the back
and the satisfaction of a job well done!
And the real secret of the success of AKEN basaars?
Koostöö! Koostöö! Koostöö!
which means something like….”working cooperatively together come hell or high water…”
Will there be an AKEN basaar #24 in 2014?
That decision will be made by the women of the AKEN committee
when the tired feet, aching back and puffy eyes are but a pleasant, nostalgic memory….
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