Ehatare’s Interim Executive Director Piret Komi and present Executive Director Veronika Viinamäe presented reports for their respective service periods. Both noted how staff and management handled the challenges of the pandemic with great compassion and effectiveness, highlighting how the Nursing Home had not suffered any deaths due to COVID-19. Pandemic funding provided by the Ministry of Long-Term Care was meant for infection control improvements. Common areas of the home also received attention. Carpeting was replaced with laminate flooring, high-touch surface areas were replaced with upgraded materials and new furniture with washable material was purchased. New mattresses, beds, privacy curtains and bed lifts were installed in the Nursing Home. Funding also went towards tables and chairs in the 4th floor dining hall along with washable chairs for the solarium and resident rooms. New LED lighting has made Ehatare a brighter and warmer home. Pandemic funds from the Ministry of Long Term Care continued throughout 2021 covering the cost of infection control supplies as well as the testing kits needed for all visitors entering the facility.
Täismahus artikkel on loetav Eesti Elu tellijatele
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