The next Estonian government Global Advisory Committee meeting will take place in Tallinn, on May 10th. The Committee is chaired by special ambassador for Global Estonians, Marin Mõttus.
Foreign minister Margus Tsahkna will attend along with representatives from other ministries. Estonian Central Council in Canada (EKN) has one seat on the committee and will be represented by Reet Marten Sehr.
Järgmine Üleilmse eestluse koostöökomisjoni koosolek toimub 10 mail, Tallinnas. Koosolekut juhatab Üleilmse eestluse erisaadik Marin Mõttus. Osalevad välisminister Margus Tsahkna ning ministeeriumite ja diasporaa keskorganisatsioonide esindajad. Kanadat esindab Eestlaste Kesknõukogu Kanadas nimel Reet Marten Sehr.
The Global Estonian Program Phase One (2022-2025) will be revised over the upcoming year and the government is asking for feedback from global Estonian communities. Link to Program:
EKN is requesting your feedback, in order to better represent the Estonian Canadian community. Please respond to the survey below by May 3rd to:
- Are you familiar with the content of the Global Estonian Program 2022-25 (Üleilmse eestluse tegevuskava)? YES/NO.
(a) If familiar, do you have suggestions for revision/inclusion in the next phase of the program?
2. Do you use
a) to search for and share information? YES/NO.
b) If so, how often and for what purposes?
3. Are you aware of the Estonian government’s grant application and funding process?
a) If yes, have you applied for a grant in the past?
b) Do you have any suggestions for improving the funding process?
4. What suggestions/asks does your organization have for future cooperation/collaboration with the Estonian government?
Suur tänu tagasiside eest!
Thank you for your feedback!
Reet Marten Sehr
Chair, Board of Directors