With this we announce the opportunity to lease the café. We are open to discussions about different locations of the building and the terms of the agreement.
Please send your proposal to Raivo Remmel c/o The Toronto Estonian House if you are interested by Dec. 19, 2016 and contact Ingrid Laar, 416-461-7963, or ingrid@estohouse.com if you have any questions. The space can be available as soon as January 1, 2017.
Do not miss the Rahvajõulupuu at Eesti Maja on Dec. 10. Tickets are available at the Estonian Foundation of Canada office next door to the Estonian House.
Drop in to the Estonian House office to ask about hall rentals and room bookings for your next event, and remember that Estore has a great selection of Christmas gifts! Estore hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:00-8:00 and Saturdays 11:00-2:00 or by appointment by calling 416-461-5799.
A/S Eesti Maja Torontos juhatus
Eesti keeles siit: Toronto Eesti Maja juhatuselt – Suur tänu ja ettevõtte võimalus